On September 27th, the “South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative” released the Report on Navigation and Overflight Situation in the South China Sea in Beijing. The initiative is committed to aggregating intellectual resources and open-source information from around the world, continuously tracking important actions and major policy trends of major stakeholders in the South China Sea, and providing professional data services and analysis reports. Xu Bu, Chairman of the Institute of Global Development and Security at Jiangsu University, was invited to attend the press conference and deliver a speech.

Xu Bu stated that from the trade perspective, there is no threat to the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea; However, from the military and security perspective, due to the excessive involvement of other countries (mainly the USA), the situation in the South China Sea is becoming increasingly unstable, unsafe, and even dangerous. Xu Bu pointed out that the U.S. keeps sending warships and military aircraft to the South China Sea region to show its military force , which provokes the sovereignty and territorial interests of the countries concerned, and also exaggerates and demonizes China. Xu Bu emphasized that the US military actions to hype up the issue of freedom of navigation are actually abusing the rules of freedom of navigation to expand its influence and maintain its global hegemony and hegemonic interests. Neighbouring countries in the South China Sea should join hands and truly abide by the requirements of international law and the Declaration on the Actions of the Parties in the South China Sea to resolve disputes through direct dialogue, consultation, friendly negotiations and peaceful means.