Days ago, Professor Frans van Eemeren and Dr. Wu Peng, respectively the Dutch President and the Chinese Secretary-General of the ILIAS at JSU co-published with John Benjamins, an internationally prestigious press, the book entitled Contextualizing Pragma-Dialectics that collects papers written by 15 international faculties of the ILIAS. This is a hallmark book that reports the research achievements that have been made in the field of pragma-dialectical studies in recent 10 years.
The initiative step taken to plan the research work of the ILIAS at JSU since its settlement here in November 2016, fell on convening its distinguished faculty members to jointly publish a quality book that will expand its sphere of influence. Supported and spurred on by Professor Chen Hong, the Chinese President of the ILIAS at JSU, Professor Frans van Eemeren and Dr. Wu Peng held rounds of discussion within the faculties of the ILIAS to revise the book comprising the 18 contributions they have solicited around the world, which finally passed the stringent review of the editors of John Benjamins. David Zarefsky, Sally Jacobson, and Tony Blair, three top-notch argumentation theorists respectively from the fields of rhetoric, linguistics and logic sang a very high praise on the book.
(School of Foreign Languages, International Learned Institute of Argumentation Studies)